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We are a responsible fashion consultancy. A space for personal and professional development, helping you navigate sustainability and wellness with clarity and confidence. 
The more we shift our attention to social and ecological well-being in the fashion industry the quicker we can apply solutions and see real change in the way fashion works. 
Join us in learning, re-imagining and creating change.

Who we are

We have been working in the responsible fashion space for over two decades, witnessing the growing importance of social justice, environmental stewardship, supply chain transparency and the call for a new fashion system. 


Words from clients

"The Right Project are an exceptional group of people who have worked with us at Ninety Percent for the past nine years. They have added amazing value to the learning of our internal team at many levels. Their experience and in-depth knowledge with integrity, helped us to define our processes with clarity that includes sustainability, sourcing, strategy and not least in their networking. I would highly recommend them to any company."

Shafiq Hassan

Founder, Ninety Percent

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